Have you observed that you feel extra ragey, depressed, anxious, or irritable prior to starting your period? Maybe you feel like you’re going crazy or you feel like a totally different person that you don’t quite recognize… If this is the case, you may be struggling with Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD).
Read MoreAs a certified trauma specialist, I am passionate about supporting mothers and families who unfortunately experienced birth trauma, and one way that I do so is through Accelerated Resolution Therapy (A.R.T). I’m going to share how I use A.R.T to help mothers or parents who have experienced birth trauma, but first let’s discuss birth trauma and why it’s important to address it.
Read MoreA common misconception among many people is that the baby blues, or the postpartum blues, is the same as postpartum depression (PPD). This is an inaccurate assumption, and the two are very different experiences.
Read MoreOh the fourth trimester…the trimester that doesn’t receive nearly as much attention as it deserves. The early postpartum days can be filled with a dichotomy of emotions. You may be joyful and overwhelmed, excited and sad, ready to take on the world and ready to sleep for an eternity.
Read MoreScary thoughts, psychologically termed intrusive thoughts, are thoughts, images, or ideas that enter the mind at unpredictable times, are unwanted, and often feel uncontrollable, vivid, and real…
Approximately 91% of new mothers and 88% of new fathers report obsessive or intrusive thoughts about their baby…
Read MoreI loved her from the moment I saw her. I laid her on my chest and I wept. She was perfect. More perfect than I ever could have imagined.
I wept tears of joy and relief.
I wept tears of gratitude and sorrow.
I was worn down. Beat up. Exhausted.
I was thankful. Overjoyed. Fulfilled.
Stepping into motherhood is a big deal. So much can change; friendships, relationships, careers, priorities, values, goals, dreams, ambitions…and one of the bigger changes that may take place is the relationship between mothers and daughters.
Read MoreWith a large emphasis on medical appointments, doctor visits, lab testing, blood work, ultrasounds, and various medical interventions around a woman’s pregnancy, the powerful emotional and spiritual experience of labor and birth may often times be unintentionally overlooked.
Read MoreI’ve observed that a great deal of the fear stems from not wanting to let people down or worries about what others may think of you. Sometimes, it seems easier to completely avoid any sort of discomfort by just saying yes. However, when you say yes to something you may not have the energy, time, or motivation for (time and time again), it becomes insincere.
Read MoreAnger in motherhood is a common phenomenon that many experience but don’t feel comfortable talking about. Outside the work of individual therapy that may explore some deep rooted feelings and core beliefs that hide beneath anger, there exist strategies…
Read MoreNegative thoughts tend to stem from core beliefs that we hold about ourselves. Core beliefs are the way in which we ultimately see ourselves. They are the foundation or building blocks that make up the way we interact with our environment and those around us.
Read MorePeople get angry.
Moms get ragey.
And you may be wondering, when did I become such an angry person? You weren’t angry before you became a mom, and now suddenly anger seems to flare up on multiple occasions.
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