I know you've experienced it...
You’re soaking in the precious moments holding and snuggling your baby when suddenly, you can’t stop thinking about how you’re going to drop them down a flight of stairs.
It’s terrifying. It’s gut wrenching. And it makes you question yourself on so many levels.
When these thoughts just pop into your mind, they rob you of your joy in any given moment. And that’s a problem.
Motherhood is demanding.
There is so much to learn and so much to manage. And to make it even harder, these random thoughts and images have made an appearance and they won't go away.
You’re probably thinking...
Nobody told me about this.
Am I actually going crazy?
Is there something wrong with me?
Am I really going to hurt my little(s)?
How do I make them go away?
Believe me when I say...
You can enjoy those snuggles without worrying about dropping your baby.
You can go for a walk without worrying about pushing your child in the street.
You can stop letting them interfere with your day-to-day life.
You can learn to turn down their volume.
I'll teach you how. Imagine...
Being able to brush them off when they pop into your mind.
Not assigning any meaning to them because they say absolutely nothing about your parenting ability.
Resting in the confidence that you are the best mom for your baby.
Knowing that when they happen, you can address the situation calmly and boldly.
How would your experience be different if you could...
Understand why they’re happening
Know that you had the tools to help yourself right at your fingertips
Actually appreciate the precious moments with your loved ones without being bothered by your intrusive thoughts
Confidently handle them when they come up
You’ve tried doing the following…
You’ve searched Google high and low and read a lot of different blogs about how to cope.
You’ve saved Instagram posts that you’ve never referenced.
You’ve tried to force them out of your mind only to find them popping up again.
You’ve kept completely quiet about them.
And, well, none of it is really working.
I'm here to help!
In this course, I teach you specific strategies to help you manage your intrusive thoughts. I break it down into proactive and active strategies, as well as address a really powerful therapy technique that can help you. Because let’s face it, you don’t need to do more Google searching. You need to know the skills that are effective, and how to use them right away.
Join me.
This course is meant to work with your busy mom life because I know how challenging it is to manage all the work, life, household, and parenting things.
I teach you only the things you need to know, without all the added fluff and complicated psychological language. I make the information easy to understand and even easier to apply.
Stop letting these invasive thoughts steal your moments of joy. It doesn’t have to be that way. And while you most certainly don’t have to “enjoy every minute" of parenting, this time can be fleeting.
This course can help you manage your intrusive thoughts so you can spend less time worrying about them and more time connecting with your family.
Why should you trust me?
Because I’ve been there. Not only have I been there, I know how hard it is when you love your family so much but your thoughts seem to conflict with this very notion.
I’ve applied these skills myself. I know they work. After having my second daughter, I was equipped to handle them properly and thereby lessen their impact on my life. It completely changed me.
I also address these skills with my clients. I’m a licensed clinical psychologist with training and education in maternal mental health. I’ve been in the mental health field for over 10 years, and I know what works, and what doesn’t.
I get straight to the point. As a fellow mom, I know how hard it is to find the time in a day to address our own stuff. The contents of this course are easy to digest, and you can start using the skills you learn immediately.